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Six Dogs Pinotage Stained Gin

Six Dogs Pinotage Stained Gin


The gin itself is distilled in small batches through generous quantities of juniper and fresh citrus. It is then placed in tanks together with handpicked whole pinotage grapes for a period of several weeks to allow the gin to extract the deep red essence of this truly South African cultivar. Perfect serve: Enjoy it neat over ice or dilute with a splash of good tonic to create a fusion of terroir, cultivar and fine gin. If you enjoy adding garnish, we recommend frozen red grapes or a slice of fresh citrus. Pinotage also pairs well with an artisanal cheese board.


Botanicals: Pinotage, Geranium, Lucerne


The Six Dogs story begins in a garden shed, a space that until Gin came along belonged to Charles Bryant’s six dogs – Obelix, Cloud, Bodrum, Flea, Blue and Midget. The aim was to create something totally unique and really quite special, using a custom still forged from the bones of a copper geyser.


No one really knows where the Karoo in South Africa begins and ends. We do know, however, that in our little valley of De Wet, nestled between the Breede River Valley and the Hex River Valley, the wild things grow. We use some of these wild plants in our Gin, also growing our own botanicals whilst supporting neighbouring farmers who grow specific fruit for us.


Our Distillery was built with a view of the mountains from which we get the purest mountain water to make our Gin.


750ml, 43% ABV

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From seed to bottle

Made in small-batches by passionate distillers from over 20 countries

100% natural ingredients, nothing artificial, nothing mass produced and most definitely not commercialised.

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We pride ourselves on carrying only the most exquisite craft gins. What exactly are Craft gins? Much like a chef, a craft gin, or craft spirits as a whole, is the dedication to innovation, quality, raw ingredients, and a passion for creating amazing spirits.


The collection of gins that we handpick at Craft Gins Co are made by passionate distillers who dedicate their lives perfecting their craft. They're made with 100% natural ingredients, nothing artificial, nothing mass produced and most definitely not commercialised. Over here, we strongly support small scale distillers who produce amazingly smooth gins. 

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