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NB Gin

NB Gin


It was voted the World's Best Dry London Dry Gin in 2015. Made in North Berwick, Scotland, by a husband and wife distilling duo, they create a classic London dry with 100% British grain spirit and 8 carefully selected botanicals - juniper, lemon peel, grains of paradise, coriander seed, angelica root, cardamom, orris root and cassia bark all. Very well balanced and stands out nicely in cocktails with sparks of citrus and refreshing juniper.


It was the only drinks brand selected in celebration of the Queen's 90th Birthday and was also selected to feature in Prince Harry and Meghan's Wedding Album.


Serving Recommendation:

Best served neat, with citrus garnishes - lemon/grapefruit peel and feverfree light or indian tonic.


Our Verdict:

This gin is juniper forward with hints of cardamom lingering at the back, making it a well balanced drink. 8 botanicals are used that shine throughout the gin. The spirit of the botanicals are intensified and carried through from start to finish. This gives a smooth, well rounded mouthfeel.


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From seed to bottle

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We pride ourselves on carrying only the most exquisite craft gins. What exactly are Craft gins? Much like a chef, a craft gin, or craft spirits as a whole, is the dedication to innovation, quality, raw ingredients, and a passion for creating amazing spirits.


The collection of gins that we handpick at Craft Gins Co are made by passionate distillers who dedicate their lives perfecting their craft. They're made with 100% natural ingredients, nothing artificial, nothing mass produced and most definitely not commercialised. Over here, we strongly support small scale distillers who produce amazingly smooth gins. 

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